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PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF FOR US WHO ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH YOU AND YOUR MUSIC AND TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF. - We’re a 4 piece from the north east, we all got together about 4 years ago now mainly through where we worked at the time. Musically I guess we’d fall into the indie rock genre, our music right now is the most aggressive it’s been, it has a sort of punk feel to it now.

TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOUR NEW ALBUM OR SINGLE? - We have two singles out now, we released Pamela earlier this year and 27 more recently. They both kind of optimise our new sound, prior to these tunes our sound had a more indie pop feel to it, the first album you can hear that. Now as I say our music has taken a different route and has more energy to it. Pamela was one of those that came about very quickly in the rehearsal room. We’d written it an played it all in about half an hour I think. 27 is the first track we’ve released which was written entirely by our bass player Marty. The number 27 had been quite significant in his life at the time, so there’s quite a bit of meaning in the song.

WHAT INSPIRED THE ALBUM OR SINGLE? - Pamela is called that as it came from a bizarre rehearsal session, whereby we started playing it and Marty our bass player yelled a line from The League Of Gentlemen down the mic, and it was a like from a character called Pamela Doove. So as the track was at this point unnamed, we decided to go with that for its title!

CAN YOU SUM UP THE ALBUM IN A FEW WORDS? - Well our debut album sounds very different to how we sound now. There’s a lot of different styles in that record, it’s generally more of an indie pop record but there’s a reggae tune on there and some more rocky stuff. I quite like that about the record as it makes for a very diverse listen, but it also probably evidences where we were at the time and how we hadn’t really found our feet as far as the sound we were after.

WHAT RECORD CHANGED YOUR LIFE AND WHY? - I think I’d have to say Definitely Maybe. It was discovering Oasis that got me into playing guitar, and I would obsessively learn Oasis songs on the guitar after getting home from 6th form. At the time they had released all of their records apart form Dig Out Your Soul, and I remember just ordering them all at once on CD. So really their whole catalogue has been the biggest influence on me.

DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE MUSIC VIDEO FILMED BY YOUR BAND OR ANOTHER ARTIST? - I’m generally not too fussed with music videos to be honest! I think the most iconic has to be Thriller by Michael Jackson. Actually I do love an Audioslave video, it’s for their song Cochise, it’s mega!

WHAT WOULD WE FIND YOU DOING WHEN YOU'RE NOT MAKING MUSIC? - Working two part time jobs selling broadband and doing my Dad's admin. Me and my missus are often away doing things together, we our friends a lot, playing a bit football on the weekends, I have been studying psychology at open university, so yeah I always tend to be dolling something if not music.

DO YOU GET NERVOUS PERFORMING LIVE, IF SO HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THAT? - I don’t really remember the last time I felt nerves going on stage, for us as a band it’s more excitement than nerves. We like to make a bit for a day of it when we gig, so we’ll often meet up early on the day of the gig, get a rehearsal in, grab some food, few drinks then dive in!

HOW DID YOU FORM THE BAND? - We all got together about 3/4 years ago. It was Dan and I that started the band, I’d advertised for a lead guitarist and Dan was the first to get back to me, after that I worked with Marty and Dean, I knew Dean was already a drummer in a band so I poached him! Marty played guitar and wrote, but was happy to pick up a bass and join the band.

HOW DO YOU WRITE? - DO YOU HAVE A KEY SONGWRITER, OR DO YOU ALL WORK TOGETHER? - Me and Marty do the writing. It’s a really solitary thing for me, I like to write on my own with and acoustic guitar mostly, Marty does the same. We’ve written together a couple of times, Red Tape, Redemption and Pamela were all written together. Originally it was only me but since Marty has started contributing its definitely given us another dimension to our tunes.

WHAT INSPIRES YOU? - Music generally! It could be listening to a particular tune, watching a live set on tv or at a gig. That always makes me want to pick up the guitar or get on stage.

WHAT IS NEXT? - We’ve just arranged a date for out first headline gig post lockdown, so that’s coming in November with the possibility of it being a double header too.

PLEASE TELL US ANY SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS SO WE CAN SHARE. - You can find us everywhere in social media:

Twitter: @TheJetRedsUK


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