Contribute to Photogroupie

If you’re a writer/ photographer and are interested in contributing to the Photogroupie team why not contact us.
Please include some examples of your work and where you are based and tell us a little bit about yourself and what sort of music you like.
Applicants must have good understanding of English grammar and spelling and be able to write at least one article/album review a month.
If you have an idea for a feature feel free to contact us at the above link.
Please try not to send unsolicited articles/ photos. Our team is incredibly busy so we will aim to get back to you as soon as we can.
Please note that all contributions to Photogroupie are voluntary - we just work together for the love of music!
Info for Artists or PR Companies
Are you an independent artist or working with PR to promote a band? Please get in touch we'd love to hear from you!
Things to include when you get in touch as a potential new artist or PR company are:
A link or download to the music you are promoting eg You Tube link for videos/ download or streaming link .
Band promo photo/ album cover.
Press release.
A short description (ideally one line) describing the band and music. We try to be as diverse as possible in our musical coverage, but prefer music where the vocals are clean. We also tend to stick to genres such as blues, classic rock, heavy metal, pop, country and Americana, but we will consider other types of music if we feel that it would be a good fit.
Unfortunately we cannot cover every suggestion we get, however, we do try to cover as many as possible.
Also please try and send us any potential coverage at least a month before the release date for albums and as soon as you can for videos.
Thank you for taking the time to contact the Photogroupie Team