We chat to Spanish rockers Freedivers

PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF FOR US WHO ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH YOU AND YOUR MUSIC AND TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF. Freedivers is an independent rock band based in Barcelona, Spain. The band is integrated by Sergi Blanch (guitar and vocals), Rafa d Villegas (bass) and Xavi Blanch (drums). We are a relatively new project, but with a lot of energy and desire to make music. TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOUR NEW ALBUM OR SINGLE? Our next single is ready to be released, and it will be coming soon. We have worked a lot on it, and we would like you to connect with the people who listen to it. WHAT INSPIRED THE ALBUM OR SINGLE? Our next single is inspired by isolation and the effects it can have on our behavior. We believe that humans have to relate, not do it, it can be devastating CAN YOU SUM UP THE ALBUM IN A FEW WORDS? Distressing WHAT RECORD CHANGED YOUR LIFE AND WHY? Really, each of the recordings has been unique and important to us. We are very proud of each one of them, it is difficult to establish a scale DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE MUSIC VIDEO FILMED BY YOUR BAND OR ANOTHER ARTIST?
We are an independent band and we have been prioritizing processes. The situation of the global pandemic changed many of our plans, and it is now when we are working on the visual part of the band. Right now we are immersed in the filming of a first video that we hope will be finished soon. On a personal level, I really like Nirvana's Hear shaped box video WHAT WOULD WE FIND YOU DOING WHEN YOU'RE NOT MAKING MUSIC? Well, Sergi and I really like nature and we usually go on long hikes in the mountains. Xavi likes motorcycles a lot and goes out with friends on routes. DO YOU GET NERVOUS PERFORMING LIVE, IF SO HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THAT? I think that at the beginning of each show it is something that is there, but that tension begins to disappear as you begin to connect with the public, and it ends up being something magical. HOW DID YOU FORM THE BAND? The band began to take shape at the end of 2019. I had some and riffs and lyrics, but I needed someone to help me shape all that. Then I met Sergi, he liked the project and we began to work together. Then he joined us. Xavi. I think I was very lucky to meet Sergi. I think that nothing in life happens for nothing, there is always a cause HOW DO YOU WRITE? - DO YOU HAVE A KEY SONGWRITER, OR DO YOU ALL WORK TOGETHER? All the songs are written and composed by Sergi and me. we work very together on that. If either of us has an idea, we share it with the other, and we start to shape it together. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? We are inspired by everyday life, what happens every day, simple stories, and also tracendental problems such as our own existence WHAT IS NEXT? The next thing will be a 6-song EP that we've been working on for some time. we also have the idea of doing some acoustics. PLEASE TELL US ANY SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS SO WE CAN SHARE. web site :https://thefreedivers.com/ instagram :https://www.instagram.com/the_freedivers/ facebook:https://www.facebook.com/freediversoficial