Black Income album 'unSOUND' along with the music video which they just unleashed for it titled 'Loaded Gun'
“It’s been a wild ride, we really wanted to leave a mark and we worked hard on developing our unique sound everyone was so fond of with our debut album 'Noise Pollution', we wanted to do a more organic and open sound on the new album, we believe Rock and Metal music is to pumped these days, and it ruins the listening experience for the fans” singer Henrik Thrane say’s.

"The New single 'Loaded Gun' is actually telling a story from real life… and it’s about a personal good friend, who lived his life to fast, and ended up killing himself. It was destined to happen, and no one could really do anything about it, since he was always seeking the edge of things, and doing crazy stuff… not being able to choose what's was right or wrong."
Black Income (Alternative Hard Rock from Fredericia - Denmark)
Vinyl Unpack - Fuzz Edition (People find it very funny)
Black Income - 'Loaded Gun' (Released on August 23rd!)
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