Battleme's latest album is a tale of the American psyche in today's world as told through the eyes of heroes, losers, outsiders and misfits. This conceptual album is a torrent of aggressive distorted guitars and pummelling percussion from the outset. No Truth should give you an incite to where the album is heading as it takes us on a journey of misinformation and regurgitated lies presented as facts. Alongside their psych-blues rock, the album incorporates stoner rock and punk on its journey drawing influence from Iggy Pop, The Clash, Rolling Stones, Velvet Underground and pretty much any band in the last 40 odd years that have chosen to vent their anger through aggressive chords and crunching melodies.
It's not all doom and gloom though, Matt Drenik ensures that his lyrics are peppered with acerbic humour like the sexy sting in the tale on Wanna Go Home and the assault by cowbell on Keep Me With You. Suzie Fuse is a perfect example of their primal anger and energy coming through in a cacophony of rage with tongue in cheek lyrics. There's a ring of David Bowie that creeps in on the funky and vintage Bitch Blues and Misfit Honey Bears keeps the jagged retro feel alive with some sharp guitar playing and shattering vocals. The album rounds off with Lowlife which represents Drenik's darker imagination in the dystopian world and is once again delivered with Battleme's overflowing dynamism.
Their rage and disenfranchised view of the world may not leave much room for a breather on this album as the tracks gallop at a furious pace. Just like the confusion of the modern world, the album rages on in a whirlwind of chaos. There are some worthy moments if you can pick them out in amongst all the hubbub; so don't expect to get to them without several listens.
Groupie Rating 4/5