Barfly Camden 3rd June 2015
Scottish songwriter and performer Elle Exxe (pronounced LX) may be new on the electro scene, but she brings with her a lot of spark and some sassy songs. Those who have followed her on You Tube under her real name (Linda Harrison) already know that she has a great voice and is able to write a damn good song. Her transformation into Elle Exxe brings with her a new sound, but just as much talent.

Siting the great Freddy Mercury as one of her influences, she's clearly absorbed his passion for performing. Her songs are ripe for the electro club scene, with snappy melodies and funky beats, it's not long before she has the crowd jumping.
She started her set with Synchronising, a great pop song with plenty of rock badass attitude that certainly makes you sit up and take notice! Her first single Lie To Me goes down well with the audience, who had clearly made themselves familiar with the song already. Other showcased tracks included Dirty Beat and her new single Lost In LA, which is sure to be a club hit.
Electro music doesn't always translate well when put into a live situation, but Elle Exxe's enthusiasm and persona carry this genre successfully into an enjoyable live performance. We can't wait to see more!