King Falcon frontman Michael Rubin found his groove by playing Guitar Hero. It's perhaps unsurprising that the overall sound of King Falcon's debut is overflowing with early 2000s indie rock and classic rock vibes. Pretty much every track here is high-energy with the sort of punch and drive that you'd need to achieve a high score in a video game.
From the defiance of the satirical 'Rabbit Gets the Gun' to the cool swagger of 'Touch' the album doesn't let up. By the time the album cools down, you definitely feel that you've got your name on the leaderboard. It's impossible not to get swept away with their zeal for the music, but perhaps a bit of a midpoint come down would have been a better place to pause, catch some breath, and show a different flavour of the band's style before picking up the pace again.
There are some strong songs on offer, and the band is clearly living out their fantasy. The album is filled with epic air guitar riffs, beats, and high-octane pop-rock choruses alongside Rubin's melodic lead vocals. The Falcon's deserve to fly high after releasing a strong debut.