Taking their name from the hairy mythical monster, these hirsute hard rockers are every bit as wild as their namesake; and very likely to become just as legendary. Hailing from Wigan the band have toured extensively since they formed in 2014, appearing at several U.K. festivals but now with the release of their debut album they are about to draw a wider audience. Their self-titled album is something very special indeed. With influences from The Eagles to Pantera, Bigfoot pay a huge attention to lyrics and melody but at the same time, they know how to knock you off your feet with a forceful blow. The opening track Karma pulls in a Pantera style riff and some Faith No More style phrasing. The influences are plain to see, yet there's something magically refreshing from this band. Their sound is phenomenal- worthy of stadiums, but it still feeling edgy enough to blow the walls off dingy, alcohol-stained dives.

There's some terrific head banging, scream along moments too like "you say life's a bitch, well you can blame yourself. " Fans of melodic hard rock will clap with childish glee at some of the terrific chorus work on The Fear and Prisoner of War. These tracks are not only memorable but perfectly constructed rock songs too. The album has all the hallmarks of a classic album even down to the bitter sweet ballad Forever Alone. Anthony Ellis' vocals have all the hallmarks of a perfect frontman too. Yours is another prime example of his abilities to a give powerful and understated performances.
There's an admirable attention to detail on the album too. It's masterfully produced, allowing the instruments space to breath, which so often these days leaves a rock album in a discordant mess. The arrangements are subtle and delivered with just the right amount of mixing to add texture and interest.
Bigfoot's debut is a massively exciting melodic rock album, with tenderness, melody and depth. It's one of the best debuts since Jupiter Falls' Revolution. Rock fans would do well to remember the names Antony Ellis(vocals) Sam Millar and Mick McCullagh (guitars) Matt Avery (bass) and Tom Aspinall on drums because things are going to get a whole lot bigger for Bigfoot.
Groupie Rating 4/5